I’m sorry for the delay in getting out this follow-up post. Watch for a number of new items (including free content) in the coming two weeks, including a new ChogBlog Audio episode!
I recently explored the conundrum facing the Church of God in its early years on the matter of divorce and remarriage. The 1901 Moundsville, West Virginia Campmeeting provides us a fascinating case study of how our leaders at that time tried to resolve their understanding of Scripture with the realities of marriage and family life at the beginning of the twentieth century. Their nuanced decision, albeit still quite timid from our rear-view mirror perspective 120 years later, was not the final word, but opened the door for an ever-evolving dialogue on divorce experienced by the Christian.
There are lessons to be learned from this that may help us today and in the future as we tackle other difficult and sometimes divisive issues at the intersection of our theology and human experience.